If you would like to request the use of our facility for a meeting or other event, please download the document below to apply and return it to our church office:
PHPC Event and Meeting Scheduling Form (PHPC groups only)
Community Group Event Scheduling Form (external groups)
As an affirmation of love between two people and in a spirit of hospitality, Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church opens our facility for both members and non-members. We are happy to welcome non-members as guests and neighbors. Our sanctuary has a seating capacity for 500 and includes a piano, an organ, and the capability to produce recorded music. Our fellowship hall can accommodate 250 for receptions. (Alcohol is not permitted.) Click here for more information.
“Thus says the Lord: Stand at the crossroads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths where the good way lies; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.”
~ Jeremiah 6:16
The church’s outdoor labyrinth is located near the church’s back lawn, with a gravel path leading to the entrance.
Labyrinths have existed for centuries. The paths are marked by stones, bricks, grass, or mosaic tiles. They symbolize our life’s journey and are helpful tools for prayer, meditation, and reflection. Labyrinths symbolizes a walk with God. We come closer and sometimes move away and only reach the center at one point in a lifetime. There is no right or wrong way to walk the sacred path: slow or fast, it is the journey to God. Listen to your footsteps in the gravel and the sounds of nature around you. Turn your thoughts inward and reflect on your journey to God.
Located near the Sanctuary is our prayer chapel which includes a columbarium. This space is a special place to connect with God, to be in prayer with the Holy, to find one’s self over and over again in the presence of our Creator. The columbarium is a group of small compartments or “niches” that hold the cremated remains of loved ones who have died. For more information, please click on the following brochure links below: