Our Mission & Vision:
At Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church, we affirm that we are all loved by God beyond our wildest imagination. We belong to God who frees us to live God’s love instead of judgment. We unabashedly follow Jesus without denying other paths God may have provided. God calls us to treat and welcome everyone as God’s beloved, regardless of age, race, culture, religion, gender or sexual orientation.
Our worship is both creative and traditional. We listen attentively for God through prayer, scripture and God’s present activity in the world. We seek ways to stand with the broken and oppressed by rolling up our sleeves and getting personally involved. We’re a relationship based church and we strive to be good neighbors who “connect faith with everyday life.” Join us to explore how God is working through you.
Faces of Our Faith at PHPC
What Is A Presbyterian?
Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church belongs to the denomination of The Presbyterian Church (USA) or PC(USA) and is a member of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta. The PC(USA) is part of the Reformed tradition which finds its roots in the work of 16th century theologian John Calvin, one of the integral leaders of the Protestant Reformation. Presbyterians believe in the sovereignty of God over the Church and that God calls all people to serve. Anyone who is a Christian can be a Presbyterian and the Church is governed at all levels by a combination of clergy and laity, men and women alike. To become a member of a PC(USA) church, you are asked to:
- confess the Christian faith
- trust in Christ as our forgiving savior
- promise to follow Christ and Christ’s example for living
- commit yourself to attend church and to become involved in the church’s ministries
For more info on what it means to be Presbyterian, click on PC(USA) and the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta.